Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Jeff passed!

{we are as happy as she looks}

JEFF PASSED! (I had to say it again.)

All of that studying paid off and I am the proudest wife in the world in Canada! (I forgot the inauguration was yesterday, Michelle Obama may have me beat by a millimetre.)

We went to Dee Dees after work tonight to celebrate. Nothing says congratulations like a burrito. Seriously, the burritos are amazing...Go there, try them, thank me.

The only downside to all this is that there are two more levels, so here we go again, Jeff is signing up for level 2 tomorrow. If anyone wants to make plans from now until June I will have lots of time on my hands.  (Must enjoy the company of a mini-me and drinking hot tea.)

This has been quite the couple of weeks -- first Jeff's job and now this. He has worked really hard and we are really blessed! Thanks for all the prayers and well-wishes -- it worked!!



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