Friday, November 2, 2012

clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose

Is it Friday already? This week felt at once really long and really short. More accurately the days felt long, but the week felt short -- funny how time works.

Here are a few things that are making me happy this week.

{sleeping babes}
Violet is decidedly a big girl, except for when she sleeps. I've swooned over my sleeping babe before and I'm sure I'll swoon again. She just looks so cozy and squeezable when she rests -- could be the fact she has yet to master the art of talking back in her sleep. Rest assured, if that is possible, she was accomplish (nay master) the art!

{a night out}
I have book club tonight. Not only I am excited to spend time with some lady friends, but there are no kids allowed. The event makes the list for that reason alone!

{family night fun night}

I love  traditions and I love pizza. Our weekly journey to the Hydrostone for the city's yummiest pizza is the highlight of my week and the best way to start the weekend. That is a fact.

Also, for your viewing pleasure:

Just in case you need another reason...

my back has been hurting from carrying a heavy messenger bag, backpacks often seem juvenile, but I'd use this one

I'm making this if it gets colder this weekend -- the yummiest leftovers

"being hungry makes me both murderous and suicidal" - I love Nigella

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