Do you ever wish your future self could visit your present self and say, "relax present self, everything is going to be fine, and I know this because I am the future you and I am alright"?
Please tell me that you have those thoughts too or I will have another thing to worry sanity.
I think it is safe to say that I can, on occasion, be a bit of a worrier. I prefer to call it scenario-planning -- tomayto, tomahto. The problem is that scenario-planning can be exhausting, especially when there are so many unknowns.
I am really trying to be the type of gal who lives in the moment. I try to focus on the things I am grateful for, and there are so many of those things, but I can't help think, but what if
this happens or what if
that doesn't happen. Trust is not my strong suit. I find it hard to trust that everything will be okay, or at least work out as it should. I want to trust God and the people around me who love me, but I find myself worrying.
Worrying is a teeny bit narcissistic isn't it? I can't trust that the God who created the universe? I can't trust that my sweet husband who always comes through for our family will come through again? I can't trust that I have friends and family who love me and who will support us no matter what happens? Who do I think I am to question these things?
It gets worse. When I don't trust that things will be okay and when I am feeling overwhelmed I try to control everything -- because obviously I am amazing and if I am in control everything will be fine? When I say it like that, it doesn't reflect how I feel. But that is ostensibly what I am saying isn't it? I don't trust anyone but me. I must be quite something...
You know what the funny thing is? I don't even have anything in particular to worry about. We have a beautiful daughter, our health, great family and friends and jobs in the city we love. Imagine the state of my stomach if a legitimate concern arises.
I am going to try to work on being more trusting. Hopefully that will have a cascading effect and I won't feel so worried and thus won't feel a propensity to control everything. Three birds with one stone sort of thing.
Does that sound like a good plan?
Who needs a therapist when I have you? Thanks for listening.