Sunday, December 23, 2012

two more sleeps

{I might literally burst with excitement}
 Anyone else's home running on a candy cane high these days?

We've been gift wrapping, brunch eating, warm afternoon running, last minute shopping, elf of the shelf hiding and absolutely stuffing our faces with holiday cheer over here at the Pond household. I have a few fun projects to share with you over the holidays, but in case time gets away from me, as it does this time of year, I want to wish you all the very merriest of Christmases.

As much joy as the Christmas season brings I can't shake the image of twenty empty little beds, twenty stockings already stuffed by loving mums and dads that won't be opened. What can we do to make it better? I think there is something we each can do. I so hope there is something I can do.

My Christmas wish for you is that you are safe and warm and surrounded by the ones that you love. We are so so lucky. Merry Christmas friends.



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