Thursday, March 1, 2012

please and thank you

Remember that time I said I was a little tired of birthdays? I want to clarify that what I meant by that was I am a little sick of birthday cake (and its cuter little sister the birthday cupcake). I have not, however, grown weary of the idea of birthday gifts. Au contraire.

As a service to those of you in pursuit of the perfect birthday gift for me I have put together a few things, small tokens really, that would really make my 29th birthday.

Emily's Birthday Wish List 2012

{I'll take the bob, the bangs and the shine}

1. Rose Byrne's hair. Yes, the actual hairs on her head. I'm not interested in her haircut, I've had it before and it didn't look like the picture above - especially not in the morning. Oh, the Vivienne Westwood dress she wore to the Oscar's would be a welcome addition to my wardrobe as well.

{it is not a coincidence that this image is from Annie Hall}

2. The ability to say the word "terrific" like Woody Allen does. If I say "terrific" I sound like Pollyanna. If Woody says it he sounds like a card carrying member of the intelligentsia. There are a lot of things that Woody does that I have no interest in emulating, however, when he says the word terrific, I believe it.

{I would be doing them a favour, our apartment would be far easier to manage than an entire Abbey}

3. The staff of Downton Abbey. I don't even need all of them. What I would like is my sheets laundered daily (is there anything better than the feel of freshly laundered sheets?), someone to help me dress (physically help me dress not just choose my clothes) and hot tea ready on demand.

{I'm sure she was more attractive in real life...maybe?}
4. Charlotte Bronte's grasp of the use of the colon: incredible. How can you possibly use a more than one colon per sentence? Amazing. As a fan of heavy punctuation and a wannabe grammarian I look to Ms. Bronte as a source of inspiration.

and finally...

{Jack White produced her album?}
5. Loretta Lynn's gumption. I had a conversation at work today about women in country music and their ability to overcome adversity. Run a google search on Loretta Lynn for the archetype of that story. She is also obviously not opposed to wearing prom dresses despite her age. Oh, and her name is awesome.

I hope this helps.



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